Lawson's First Science Day

Lawson's First Science Day!

Friday February 23rd, 2023, James Lawson science departments hosted our first science day which was a hit. The event is headed by Ms. Hardy- who’s been hosting Science Day for three years, the first two being spent at Hillwood. Science day is full of various activities and presentations featuring professionals currently working, or who have worked in that field. Students in grades 9 thru 12 attend creating a very diverse and fun experience in science. According to Ms. Hardy, the true goal of science day is to "Get kids excited about science and interact with scientists currently practicing" as well as "Getting kids interested in taking AP or Advanced science classes the following year".

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Lawson extends the largest gratitude towards its sponsors, who's contributions go directly towards providing a more enriching learning environment and high school experience for our students.

  A list of logos for companies that sponsor science day.